Othello Links

The list here isn’t complete (nor very organized, yet). Please let us know of any other othello-related websites you would like to see here.

Othello news – Up-to-date Othello news!

World Othello Federation – World Othello news, tournaments, player ratings, and more.

NAOthelloTourneys – Active community for North American tournaments, discussions, etc.

An Animated Guide to Othello – Good for studying openings, strategies, etc.

The Othello Museum – History of Othello, collection of boards, and other Othello paraphernalia.

PlayOK – Play Othello online against other players around the world.

eOthello – Play Othello online against other players at a lenient pace.


Other Othello Associations and Federations

British Othello Federation – Website of the British Othello Federation!